1 Start 2 Personal Development 3 Demographics 4 Testemonial 5 Complete In order to improve SocialErasmus+, we appreciate your feedback. Please fill out the following questionnaire, composed of three parts: the first one is related to your personal experience, the second one concerns the competences that you may have acquired/improved in the course of the project, and in the last part, we ask a few demographic information. Thank you! Personal Experience Rate how satisfied you were with the overall SocialErasmus Activity. * On a scale from 1-10 What was the topic of your session? * How many hours, including preparation, did you volunteer during the SocialErasmus Activity? * < 4 Hours 4 - 6 Hours 7 - 9 Hours > 9 hours How satisfied are you with the quality of the support and follow-up you have received during your volunteering experience? * not satisfied rather not satisfied rather satisfied very satisfied Feel free to elaborate about experience here: What type of Activity was it? * Erasmus in Schools Mapping activity Workshop Awareness raising campaign Stand on fair Seminar or conference Game or Social Activity Excursion; visit to a relevant place or organisation Other Please specify: * Did you have contact with the school beforehand? * Yes No How did you have contact with the school beforehand? * via email via phone live meeting other Please specify: * How satisfied are you with the quality of the communication with the school? * not satisfied rather not satisfied rather satisfied very satisfied Who was involved into the development of the Activity? * You School teacher ESN volunteer University staff feel free to elaborate about experience here: Are you getting any recognition for your voluntary work? * Yes No Which recognition are you getting? * ECTS credits on Learning Agreement Certificate Diploma Supplement Badges Youthpass linkedin Endorsements Others Please specify: * How well did this procedure work out? * On a scale from 1-10 What could be improved?